Call for papers
“In Memory of Felix Geyer”
Felix Geyer, one of the originators of the terms sociocybernetics and one of the founding members of RC51, passed away last year. In order to pay respect to him and to his legacy within sociocybernetics, the Journal of Sociocybernetics is seeking submissions for a special issue dedicated to Felix’s work and contributions.
Felix’s contributions to the field of sociocybernetics are far and wide. Working as the head of the methodology section of SISWO (Netherlands Universities’ Institute for Coordination of Research in Social Sciences) from 1968 until his retirement in 1998, he broke ground in bringing insights from General Systems Theory and cybernetics into sociology, and by helping to form sociocybernetics as its own subdiscipline within sociology. His work within the ISA led to him acting as its executive secretary in the 1980s, where he oversaw the development of sociocybernetics from a thematic group to becoming Research Committee 51 in 1998. This is to say little of his notable work within the field of alienation, a research field within which he was very active throughout the 1970s and 80s.
Contributions may take many forms, from empirical or theoretical monographs of up to 8000 words concerning Felix’s work, to scholarly essays of a shorter length discussing the impact of Felix’s research on sociology.
Submitted papers must be in English. Any written contribution must be submitted electronically via the journal website
Please submit all contributions by 1st June 2021
We look forward to receiving your contributions. If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us at or