20TH december is the deadline for sending your vote to support the candidates for the new board, but the Election Committee (Bernd Hornung and Chaime Marcuello) have extended it to FRIDAY 21 at 11.59 UTC. We thank those who have already send their vote, for those who have not voted yet, here some information you may consider
All ISA Boards are hold by voluntary positions. In our website, social networks and email list it was announced a period to present your candidacy or propose any member in good standing any position. By the same means we have announced the candidates and their proposals.
We have today or tomorrow (the latest) to support Saburo Akahori (President/JAP), Dalila Cerejo (Vice-president/PORT), Andrew Mitchell (Secretary/UK_JAP), Jorge Cardiel (Treasurer/MEX) and Raija Koskinen (Membership Development/FIN) as board 2023-2027. We know everybody is busy to get yet another responsibility, so I take the opportunity to thank them for giving a step ahead and continue with the RC51 project.
All members in good standing have received an email with the ballot. On it, you can actually approve, disapproved or mark abstention. So make your choice and express it. Other positions for newsletter editor, webmaster, JoS editor, social networks are voluntary but not elected position. Get in contact with the new board in case you want to collaborate in any of this matters and help to keep the RC51 active.
Further information:
Nomination Committee: Bernd Hornung <hornungRC51@aol.com> and Chaime Marcuello <chaime@unizar.es>