RC51 Board Elections (2023-2027)

According to our statutes the election of the RC51 Board 2023-2027 is now due. Members in good standing are invited to present their candidacy for positions of President, Vice-president, secretary and Treasurer. Members who wish to participate in voluntary positions (Non elected) such as Journal of Sociocybernetics Editors, Newsletter Editor, Website manager and social networks manager can send also a letter of intention, otherwise the new elected board will make suggestions to cover such positions.

 Please send your nominations by e-mail to the members of the Nomination Committee Chaime Marcuello <chaime@unizar.es> and Bernd Hornung <hornungRC51@aol.combefore December 2nd, 2023  

Election period:       Dec.  5th  – Dec. 20th

Candidates are required to be ISA and RC51 members in good standing. Self-nomination is possible. A nomination requires the proposer to be an RC51 and ISA member in good standing, support by three members of RC51 in good standing, and, of course, the consent of the candidate nominated. In addition, it is requested a 100-200 words CV including the intended focus of work as a board member. It will be forwarded to the voters before the election period.

Please note that the local organizers of our annual interim, RC51 World Congress and Forum Program Coordinator for the RC51 sessions will be board members by office, just like the Past President.

Positions to be voted:





Membership Development

Voluntary Positions:

Journal of Sociocybernetics

Newsletter Editor

Webmaster Editor

Social Networks Manager

Find in the link the current RC51 statues, in case you have a query of the procedure:


Remember to send your proposals before 2nd of December.

Incomplete nominations and latecomers cannot be included after the due date.