NEW BOARD 2018-2022

According to our statutes, following the call for candidates and afterwards the mail-ballot among our members, the RC51 has elected new Board for 2018-2022.

The Elections Committee (Eva Buchinger, Bernd Hornung and Chaime Marcuello Servós) received the nomination of candidates for the positions of President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer as follows:

President          : Patricia E. Almaguer Kalixto (SPAIN)
Vice-President  : Raija Koskinen (FINLAND)
Secretary          : Manuel Meza Cuervo (MEXICO)
Treasurer          : Saburo Akahori (JAPAN)

The Elections Committee confirm that all are members in good standing and willing to serve in the Board. After the electoral process, the new Board was approved with 25 votes in favour, all of members in good standing (i.e. paid fees) both of the ISA and the RC51 by the 20th of November, due date to vote.

Congratulations to the new Board and thank you to all the members of the previous Board with special thank you to our past president Chaime Marcuello Servós.

We must continue working as RC51, now is the time to support our new president and her team.

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