RC51 Sociocybernetics SESIONS

Program Coordinators:

Patricia Eugenia ALMAGUER-KALIXTO, Universidad de Zaragoza, almaguer@unizar.es
Martina RAPONI, Noiserr, Netherlands, martina.raponi@gmail.com
Raija KOSKINEN, University of Helsinki, Finland, raija.koskinen@helsinki.fi

Click in each session to see the details

Sociocybernetics and Problem-Solving: In Search for Social Elasticity

Observing the Blind Spot of Society: Sociocybernetics As a Tool to Think Differently

Observing the Blind Spot of Society: Sociocybernetics As a Tool to Think Differently (II)

Art, Resistance, Otherness, Agency

La Visión Sistémica Del Proceso Del Envejecimiento y La Vejez


Scientific Citizenship: A Systemic Approach.

Netnographic Analysis and Sociocybernetics of Software Mediated Societies

Digitalization and Societal Innovation: One Shaping the Other

Digitalization and Societal Innovation: One Shaping the Other (II)

Transnational Spaces and Digital Divide Using Sociocybernetic Tools and Concepts

Complexity and Truth

Systemic View on Developing Social Work

Facts and Data of the 21st Century: A Sociocybernetics Approach

Sociocybernetics: A Tool Box to Face World Challenges

October 26 – November 12, 2020: Submission of new abstracts via online platform.

December 15, 2020: Presenters’ registration deadline.

More information:  https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/forum/porto-alegre-2021

Book presentation

by Roberto Mancilla

In Sociocybernetics and Political Theory in a Complex World, Roberto Mancilla posits that because current political and constitutional theory was crafted since the XVII century, in the age of globalisation, Google and Big Data, other arrangements are needed. He proposes a recasting of the ideas of the State, Separation of Powers, The Public/Private Distinction and Constitutionalism by means of cybernetics, a body of knowledge that gave way to the technology that we have today. This will be done by means of a general introduction to sociocybernetics and complexity and then through the critical dismantling of said concepts of political theory and then proposals imbued with newer ideas.

Join us for the book presentation with comments by the author, Chaime Marcuello and Bernard Scott.

12th of November 2020 meet.google.com/snh-tqkd-kfi
12.30 UTC