Category Archives: About


After eight years at WordPress, this RC51 website is moving to a brand new site. This WordPress site will be decommissioned during the next month, and will go offline august 1st. 2020.

Thank you for your support during all these years!

Our new RC51 site can be reached at:

New RC51 website:

After eight years at WordPress, this RC51 website is moving to a brand new site. This WordPress site will be decommissioned during the next month, and will go offline august 1st. 2020.

Thank you for your support during all these years!

Our new RC51 site can be reached at:

NEW BOARD 2018-2022

According to our statutes, following the call for candidates and afterwards the mail-ballot among our members, the RC51 has elected new Board for 2018-2022.

The Elections Committee (Eva Buchinger, Bernd Hornung and Chaime Marcuello Servós) received the nomination of candidates for the positions of President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer as follows:

President          : Patricia E. Almaguer Kalixto (SPAIN)
Vice-President  : Raija Koskinen (FINLAND)
Secretary          : Manuel Meza Cuervo (MEXICO)
Treasurer          : Saburo Akahori (JAPAN)

The Elections Committee confirm that all are members in good standing and willing to serve in the Board. After the electoral process, the new Board was approved with 25 votes in favour, all of members in good standing (i.e. paid fees) both of the ISA and the RC51 by the 20th of November, due date to vote.

Congratulations to the new Board and thank you to all the members of the previous Board with special thank you to our past president Chaime Marcuello Servós.

We must continue working as RC51, now is the time to support our new president and her team.

RC51 Board Elections 2018-2022

According to our statutes the election of the RC51 Board 2018-2022 is now due. As a result of the call and the work of the Nominating Committee you will find the following excellent candidates in the voting sheet.

Please vote by the 20th of November 2018.

You can find all the details here: RC51 Board Elections 2018-2022

New Board 2014-2018

Following the call for candidates and afterwards the mail-ballot among our members, there it is the RC51 Board 2014-2018:

  • President: Chaime Marcuello‐Servós, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
  • Vice‐President: José A. Amozurrutia, National University Autonomous of México (México)
  • Secretary: Patricia E. Almaguer Kalixto, Centro de Estudios y Agricultura Internacional (CERAI) / Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
  • Treasurer: Saburo Akahori, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University (Japan)
  • Newsletter Editor: Juan Carlos Barrón Pastor, Center for Research on North America (CISAN) / National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
  • Journal Editor: Fabio Giglietto, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy

We had 27 votes out of which 23 are valid ‐ members in good standing (i.e. being a registered member and having paid fees – so for those who forgot, please do renew your membership :-D). All candidates have received the same number of votes.

We also take the chance to thanks all the members of the previous board with special thank you to our past president Eva Buchinger.

RC51 is the Research Committee on Sociocybernetics of the International Sociological Association.

We aim to promote the development of sociocybernetic theory and research within the social sciences. Sociocybernetics is broadly defined here as applications within the social sciences of first- and second-order cybernetics, general systems theory and the various combinations and variations of these that can be subsumed under the term “the emerging sciences of complexity”.

Read more on RC51 in the about section.

Welcome to RC51 Website