Tag Archives: cfp

Deadline extension

The deadline to submit papers for the 12th Conference of Sociocybernetics has been postponed.

The new deadline is 15 March 2013.

An updated version of the CFP is now available.

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XVIII ISA World Congress or Sociology – Call for sessions

It’s never to early to plan a world congress. Especially a very large one such as the one organized every four years by the International Sociological Association.

The next congress will be held in Yokohama, Japan from 13-19 July 2014.

RC51 will be present with 18 sessions.

If you have a special interest topic to propose and you want to volunteer to organize one of this session please send your proposal by March 20, 2013 to the Program Coordinator, and to the RC51 Secretary Czeslaw MESJASZ, mesjaszc@uek.krakow.pl and RC51 President Eva BUCHINGER, Eva.Buchinger@ait.ac.at.

Before submitting please take a moment to read the full call for sessions.


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CFP | deadline extension for the 11th International Conference of Sociocybernetics

The organizing committee just agreed for an extension of the initial deadline to present an abstract proposal for the RC51 annual international conference of sociocybernetics!!!

New deadlines are:

15 March 2012: 500‐600 word abstracts
31 March 2012: Notification of acceptance
15 May 2012: Definitive registration
1 June 2012: Submission of full papers

The updated call for papers is available for download: Call for Papers RC51 Faro II 2012-02-13.

Please take a moment to share this post with your friends and colleagues.

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New JoS call for papers

Our journal editor Michael Paetau is preparing two brand new special issues of the Journal of Sociocybernetics.

The topics addressed will be “Complexity of Migration” and “Liquid Democracy”.

We invite you to read both CFP (1 | 2) and to submit your paper proposal.

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ISA Forum call for papers

Second ISA Forum of Sociology on Social Justice and Democratization (Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2012).

RC51 will organize the following sessions:

  1. Sociocybernetic Principles: Technology & Ecology & Globalization (session organizer: Eva Buchinger)
  2. Modern Sociological Systems Theory in Social Practice – Applications to Societal Problems (session organizer: Karl-Heinz Simon)
  3. Systemic perspective to think knowledge and cultural management development (session organizer: Margarita Maass)
  4. »Diaspora« and Complexity of Migration (session organizer: Michael Paetau),
  5. Observing, Measuring and Reconstructing Emergent Meaning (session organizer: Liliana Ramírez Ruiz)
  6. Sociocybernetic approach to democratization processes (session organizer: José A. Amozurrutia)
  7. and a slot for presenting two books “Society, Ciberculture and Sociocybernetics” and “Sociology on the move” (session organizer: Margarita Maass).

Abstract submission: from 25th of August to 15th of December 2011.

Please check ISA Forum website for more information on how to sumbit.

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