Dear RC51 members, This issue is dedicated to the memory of Felix Geyer, the great forerunner of our research field and honorary president of RC51. It is an honor to share contributions from authors who had long and close relationships with Felix. The world is still in turmoil, but Felix’s
Dear RC51 Members, This issue is marked by the loss of Felix Geyer. We thank Bernd Hornung for the obituary written on behalf of the RC51 Board and all those who have collaborated to reflect on the respect we have for him and his legacy: the basis of sociocybernetics. We
By Bernd R. Hornung on behalf of the RC51 Board We report with sadness the death of Felix Geyer who died at the age of 87 on August 23rd, 2020 after a long and colorful life as a scientist travelling the world. Much more a friend than a colleague to
By Johannes van der Zouwen, Emeritus Professor of Social Research Methodology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam I first met Felix Geyer in 1970, when he was Head of the Methodology Division at SISWO, Netherlands Universities Joint Social Research Centre. There he was doing what he did all his working life: bringing people
By Dr Philippos Nicolopoulos Felix Geyer has passed away. We lost a distinguished international social scientist, an unforgettable colleague, a friend. It is difficult to express our sadness with words, but it is “a must” for us to pay tribute (in scientific terms) to his memory. So, we should write
Kindly shared with us by Prof. Gerard de Zeeuw On September 15, the Board of the Systeemgroep Nederland sent the following letter to Felix’s family and friends and to his carer (translated from the Dutch): Dear relatives and friends of Felix Geyer, Dear Mrs Ria Meul, It is with deep