Research Committee 51 (ISA-RC51)
The Research Committee 51 (ISA-RC51) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) is one of the more than fifty Research Committees which, along with a large number of national sociological associations, constitute the ISA.
The RC51 is oriented to promote the systemic perspective in the social sciences through sociocybernetics. This perspective integrates the general theory of systems, the cybernetics of first and second-order, and complexity sciences, with the aim to address complex social problems.
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help to build RC51 on Sociocybernetics Program
Saburo Akahori (President/JAP), Dalila Cerejo (Vice-president/PORT), Andrew Mitchell (Secretary/UK_JAP), Jorge Cardiel (Treasurer/MEX) and Raija Koskinen (Membership Development/FIN) has been elected as new board. read more
20TH December is the deadline for sending your vote to support the candidates for the new board, but the Election Committee (Bernd Hornung and Chaime Marcuello) have extended it to FRIDAY 21 at 11.59 UTC. We thank those who have already send their vote, for those who have not voted yet, here some information you may consider. Read about the voting process…
According to our statutes the election of the RC51 Board 2023-2027 is now due. Members in good standing are invited to present their candidacy for positions of President, Vice-president, secretary and Treasurer. Members who wish to participate in voluntary positions (Non elected) such as Journal of Sociocybernetics Editors, Newsletter Editor, Website manager and social networks manager can send also a letter of intention, otherwise the new elected board will make suggestions to cover such positions. Please send your nominations by e-mail to the members of the Nomination Committee Chaime Marcuello <> and Bernd Hornung <> before December 2nd, 2023 MORE INFORMATION
Wanting to know more about Sociocybernetics? Explore the
- Editorial Blind spot Chaime Marcuello Servós Articles
- Steering the world from where we are: An introduction to the sociocybernetics perspective Patricia Eugenia Almaguer-Kalixto and Fabio Giglietto
- The sociocybernetics of observation and reflexivity Bernard Scott
- The challenges for sociocybernetics Bernd R Hornung
- Models in sociocybernetics: A 20 year review at the ISA-RC51 on Sociocybernetics Luciano Gallón
- Sociocybernetics and action research: Analysis and intervention in complex social problems Patricia E Almaguer-Kalixto, Margarita Maass Moreno and José Antonio Amozurrutia
- Mass media and the web in the light of Luhmann’s media system Giovanni Boccia Artieri and Laura Gemini
- Acquisition of new communication media and 579 social (dis)connectivity Jesper Tække
- Governing and societal media for building resilience: A sociocybernetic study of the disaster recovery in Japan Toru Takahashi
- The Colombian peace process and the complexity of violence: A sociocybernetic observation Michael Paetau
- ‘Fake news’ is the invention of a liar: How false information circulates within the hybrid news system Fabio Giglietto, Laura Iannelli, Augusto Valeriani and Luca Rossi